Is your technology sabotaging your startup?

Uncover hidden obstacles with our CTO-led tech health check. Align your tech ecosystem with your business vision and supercharge investor confidence.

Hi there 👋 I’m Klaas.

I am seasoned CTO who’s been in the trenches of early-stage startups, VC-backed businesses, and public companies. I’ve seen it all, and I know the tech landmines waiting around every corner.

You’re not just worried about spaghetti code – you’re dealing with real-world problems that can make or break your company’s growth:

  • Uncertainty about your tech spend ROI – are you burning cash or building a launchpad?
  • Misaligned delivery timeframes and features are impacting your go to market plan.
  • Technical debt piling up faster than your feature wishlist
  • Slow in responding to customer requests and in releasing new features.
  • Little clarity on your technology roadmap and how it helps your startup success.

Sound familiar?

You’re not alone. 3 out of 4 CEOs I worked with had the save issues. As a founder, you’re entitled to have your technology to deliver your vision. Failing to meet these expectations can lead to loss of investor confidence, difficulty raising funds, and ultimately, the failure of your startup.

Good news: with the right tech strategy, you can turn these challenges into your secret weapons.

That’s why I’ve teamed up with a group of experienced CTOs and tech leaders to create a tech health check service designed specifically for CEOs and founders like you

Why A&H CTOs Can best Help you?

As experienced CTOs, we know firsthand how critical it is to have your technology working for you, not against you. 

We bring a rare combination of deep technical mastery and business vision to help you navigate your unique challenges. Furthermore, we

  • Identify hidden tech issues, especially the potentially costly ones.
  • Communicate effectively with both technical teams and. business stakeholders.
  • Provide a comprehensive view of your startup’s tech ecosystem.

When all is said and done, you’ll walk away with a laser-focused, action-ready plan to fortify your startup’s foundations and skyrocket your ROI.


What our tech health check covers:

Your Tech Ecosystem

  • Simplify your complex technology decisions into clear, business-friendly terms
  • Provide expert guidance on your technical decisions
  • Assess the long-term impact of your tech choices
  • Review your data security and infrastructure strategy

Your Tech Team

  • Identify communication gaps between business and tech teams
  • Evaluate your development processes and timeline management
  • Assess your tech talent acquisition and retention strategies

Tech-Business Alignment

  • Ensure your tech roadmap supports your business goals
  • Analyze if you’re investing in commercially valuable features
  • Prepare you to confidently explain your tech strategy to investors

To Prepare For Our Discovery Session

To make the most of our discussion, come ready to share the topics listed. Or download our 2024 Ultimate Tech Health Check e-Book For CEOs.

  • Where is your startup at now, and what key milestones have you reached?
  • How have you proven your business model and unique value so far?
  • What makes your solution stand out from the competition?
  • How is your revenue and your burn rate evolving?
  • What key objectives are you aiming to achieve in the 6-12 months time?
  • How will you measure success and know when you’ve hit your targets?
  • What do you see as the key drivers of your company’s growth over the next year?
  • What are your biggest pain points when working with your tech team?
  • How do you currently keep your tech team aligned with your business priorities?
  • Have you faced any communication or collaboration roadblocks that slowed your progress?
  • What KPI do you use to track the performance and value of your technology?
  • How do you connect revenue growth or cost savings to your technology efforts?
  • What data insights have helped you make better decisions about your tech strategy?


An upfront investment for long-term value

  • Avoid costly tech mistakes. CEOs worked with us have saved from $500k to $3M
  • CEOs worked with us have avoided at least 6 months of rebuilding their technology.
  • CEOs worked with us are more confident in the ROI of their technology investment. 


Other CEOs have asked...

  • Our tech health check are led by former CTOs who combine technical depth with strategic business insight
  • We focus on actionable recommendations that bring the biggest positive impact. 
  • We kick off with an in-depth exploration of your startup’s unique goals, tech team structure, and technology landscape, followed by a meticulous top-to-bottom assessment
  • In just 2-4 weeks, you’ll have a comprehensive report and a technology roadmap that aligns with your business goal in hand. 
  • We begin by thoroughly understanding your business objectives, and your fundraising goal
  • Our recommendations are crafted to be pragmatic, prioritized, and seamlessly integrated with your overarching strategy, so you can hit the ground running
  • We have a separate fractional CTO  service (retainer) that offers ongoing support to help you implement changes, track progress, and adjust plans as needed
  • Optional quarterly check-ins act as a compass, ensuring you stay the course and align with your north star goals, no matter what challenges arise

Our service is a strategic investment in your startup’s future, helping you avoid costly mistakes and accelerate growth. 

Research reveals that a startling 66% of tech initiatives face setbacks or fail completely, resulting in wasted IT budgets due to strategic misalignments. In this challenging landscape, aligning tech strategy and resource with your business vision is critical. 3, 4