Optimize your candidate-to-hire ratio.

Win your clients’ trust and beat your competition with our top-notch software talents technical screening.

Hi, I’m Klaas 👋

I’m a seasoned CTO with over a decade of experience across multiple ventures from the very small to large well-known players. I’ve had the privilege of working with some incredible recruitment agencies over the years. Here’s the pattern I’ve noticed among the most successful recruitment agencies:

  1. A deep understanding of the clients’ needs and ability to craft job specifications that attract the right candidates. Both in skill and culture.
  2. They have a rigorous screening process that ensures only the best candidates make it through to the client. They don’t waste time with speculative candidates.
  3. They provide their clients with unparalleled insights into each candidate, far beyond the CV.

However, I’ve also witnessed firsthand the challenges that many agencies face. It’s hard to develop the expertise to deeply understand technical roles, which isn’t their core skill. Exacerbating this, more candidates leverage AI to inflate qualifications on resumes and assessments, obscuring their true abilities.

That’s why I’ve teamed up with Jing and other product and tech leaders to create the A&H Placement Booster – a service designed to help recruitment agencies like yours optimize your placement rates and gain a competitive edge in the race for clients’ trust.

Here’s how we can help you get there:

Recruiters using A&H Placement Booster:

  • Expert feedback on candidates, based on practical understanding of the role to help you tailor the search even better
  • Objectively evaluate true abilities beyond AI-assisted resumes and assessments
  • Rigorous technical screening conducted by industry experts
  • Unparalleled candidate insights through comprehensive interview reports
  • Boosted placement rates and reduced time-to-hire Unlocked higher client satisfaction and trust

Recruiters with no experts' help:

  • Misaligned job descriptions that attract poorly-matched candidates
  • Difficulty discerning truly qualified candidates from those using AI to enhance resumes and assessment responses
  • Struggle to effectively assess candidates’ technical skills
  • Insufficient interview insights to support clients’ hiring decisions
  • Lower placement rates and longer time-to-hire
  • Diminished client satisfaction and confidence

We Help You Build Trust.

How are we different?

With our 10-20 years of software experience and our background as C-level or senior leaders in organizations, we bring unique insights and expertise to the table.

No Fluff

We go beyond trivia and coding tests that can be faked with AI.

Our rigorous screening assesses how candidates think and reason.

We focus on their ability to articulate thoughts and solve complex problems.

Soft Skills Matters

Technical skills aren't everything - soft skills matter too.

Our experience building and hiring for teams gives us an eye for team dynamics.

We assess communication skills, emotional intelligence, and collaboration ability


We recruit for a wide range of roles, from Product, Tech leads to C-suite.

Our background enable with the holistic view that finds candidates who seamlessly integrate and drive success across your clients' entire organization.

Power of Partnership

The more we work with you, the better we understand your clients' needs.

Our collaborative approach allows us to continually refine our search, creating a virtuous cycle of success that benefits everyone.

It's Priced For Long-Lasting Partnership

Why the pricing? 

It is designed to support our long-term collaboration, helping you build trust with your clients by boosting your candidates quality. 

Per Role
  • Refined Candidate Search Guidance
  • Thorough in-depth Interviews
  • Comprehensive Interview Reports
  • Clear Recommendations
  • Ongoing Support and Collaboration
  • Feedback on Job Specifications & Search


ask us anything

Placement Booster seamlessly integrates with your existing recruitment process.

We work closely with you to understand your unique needs and tailor our services to complement your workflow.

From ongoing candidate search guidance to conducting technical interviews, we’re here to make sure you have a trusted technical partner for each software candidate request you’ve received. 

Our team of experts specializes in screening a wide range of technical roles across the software industry.

Range from C-level (CTO, CPO) to development, DevOps, product, delivery, data, and UX/UI functions.

With our extensive experience in the software industry, we have the knowledge and expertise to assess candidates for those positions across different domains and technologies. We’re also well versed in the different needs of startups vs big companies and will tailor to that.

We understand the importance of timely feedback in the recruitment process.

After conducting technical interviews, our team works diligently to provide you with comprehensive interview reports within 24 hours.

We know your time is critical too. So you’ll get a summary with the highlights you can share with your client as part of presenting a candidate. 

While we cannot guarantee specific placement rates, as the final hiring decision rests with your clients, we are committed to delivering high-quality candidates who meet your clients’ requirements.

Our rigorous screening process, coupled with our in-depth understanding of the software industry, ensures that we present you with the most qualified and suitable candidates for each role.

We continuously work with you to refine our search and improve the quality of candidates we provide.

At Placement Booster, we believe in the power of collaboration and customization. We work closely with you to gain a deep understanding of your clients’ specific requirements, company culture, and team dynamics.

By actively listening to your needs and maintaining open communication throughout the process, we continually align our screening process to meet your clients’ expectations.

Whether it’s adjusting our interview questions, focusing on specific skills or technologies, or assessing cultural fit, we tailor our approach to ensure the best possible match for your clients.