Half your tech budget is in the bin! Ouch.

Stop the bleeding.

Our Advisory CTO Service ensures every dollar drives growth, not waste. Imagine what you could achieve with all of your tech investment actually working for you.

Hi there 👋 I’m Klaas.

I’m not just another tech guy – I’m the advisor that CEOs keep on speed dial long after our projects end. Why? Because I deliver results, speak their language, and never lose sight of the bottom line.

  • Nominated three times as CTO of the Year in the UK (yeah, it’s a thing)
  • Built lasting friendships with every CEO I’ve worked with – they keep coming back for my perspective
  • Known for my deep tech expertise and ability to lead even the most challenging teams
  • Respected industry-wide for delivering results from complex projects 

This service is for you, a CEO who runs a medium size company. 

You’re likely dealing with real-world problems that can make or break your company’s brittle growth:

  • Uncertain tech ROI – burning cash or building a launchpad?
  • Misaligned delivery impacting your go-to-market plan
  • Technical debt outpacing your feature wishlist
  • Slow feature releases and customer response times
  • Unclear tech roadmap hindering startup success

Sound familiar? 3 out of 4 CEOs I’ve worked with faced these issues. As a founder, you deserve technology that delivers your vision. Failing here can cost you investor confidence, funding, and even your startup’s future.

The good news? With the right strategy, these challenges become your secret weapons.

That’s why we’ve created our Advisory CTO service. We’re not here for a one-time checkup – we’re your ongoing tech strategy partner. Whether you need CTO mentoring, tech lead backup, or solo guidance, we’ll translate tech into business growth. Let’s turn your tech from a cost center into your competitive edge.

Why A&H's Advisory CTO Service?

As experienced CTOs, we know firsthand how critical it is to have your technology working for you, not against you. 

We bring a rare combination of deep technical mastery and business vision to help you navigate your unique challenges. Furthermore, we

  • We speak CEO, not just CTO – bridging the gap between business vision and tech execution
  • 10+ years of battle-tested CTO experience across multiple ventures
  • Tailored guidance for non-technical founders and CEOs – no tech background required
  • Flexible support that complements your existing team – even if you already have a CTO


What our advisory CTO service tackles:

Impressing Investors

  • Demonstrate a clear link between your tech strategy and business growth
  • Craft a compelling tech story that gets investors excited
  • Prepare for technical due diligence – no more sweating the tech questions

Decoding Tech Babel

  • Translate tech-speak into business strategy you can actually use
  • Cut through jargon to make informed decisions

Optimizing Your Tech Spend

  • Identify and eliminate wasteful tech investments
  • Prioritize tech initiatives that drive real business growth
  • Make smart build vs. buy decisions that don’t break the bank

Supercharging Your Tech Team

  • Evaluate your current tech leadership – are they delivering or just talking?
  • Mentor first-time CTOs or tech leads to perform at their best
  • Develop strategies to attract and retain top tech talent without overpaying

To Prepare For Our Discovery Session:

  • Are you constantly surprised by missed deadlines or budget overruns in tech projects?
  • Do you feel like your tech team is speaking a different language when they explain a solution?
  • Are you unsure if your current tech stack can scale with your business growth?
  • Do you worry that your competitors might be leveraging technology more effectively?
  • Have you experienced any recent tech-related crises (e.g., security breaches, system outages)?
  • What are your key business metrics, and how do you expect technology to impact them?
  • Are there any specific markets or customer segments you’re struggling to reach due to tech limitations?
  • Do you have concerns about your tech infrastructure’s ability to handle rapid scaling?
  • Are there any upcoming product launches or features that feel technologically out of reach?
  • How do you currently prioritize tech investments in relation to your growth strategy?
  • When was your last funding round, and what were the key tech-related questions from investors?
  • Are you planning to raise funds in the next 6-12 months?
  • Have investors expressed any specific concerns about your technology or tech leadership?
  • Do you feel confident explaining your tech strategy to potential investors?
  • Which tech-related metrics or milestones is the best to show investors that you have a good ROI on your technology?
  • Do you have a CTO or senior tech leader? If so, is this their first time in the position?
  • Which tech-related metrics or milestones are the best to show investors that you have a good ROI on your technology?
  • How large is your tech team, and do you feel it’s the right size for your needs?
  • Are there any key tech roles you’re struggling to fill?
  • How do you currently measure the performance and productivity of your tech team?
  • Do you feel your tech team is aligned with your business objectives?


An investment in bullshit-free tech leadership.

  • Flexible monthly engagements
  • Starting from $5000/month – often offset by the waste we eliminate
  • Tailored to your specific needs and stage – not a one-size-fits-all solutions
  • Direct access to seasoned CTO expertise without the full-time price tag


$ 5,000/month
  • 3 months minimum contracts.


Other CEOs have asked...

Is your tech leader – whether that’s a CTO, VP of Engineering, or senior developer – translating their technical expertise into tangible business growth?

Or are you left nodding along in meetings, hoping you’re not missing something crucial?

We’re here to bridge that gap. If you have a first-time CTO, we’ll mentor them to think beyond code and align tech with your business strategy.

For companies with a tech leader, we’ll work alongside them to craft a robust technology vision and roadmap that directly supports your growth targets.

We’ll challenge assumptions that might be bleeding your budget dry, and ensure your tech strategy isn’t just impressive-sounding jargon, but a real driver of your business goals. Whether you’re scaling up or pivoting, we’ll make sure your tech team is your growth engine, not your bottleneck.

We’ve seen it all – from fintech flops to SaaS sensations.

We don’t need six months to ‘get up to speed’. We dive in, cut through the noise, and zero in on what matters: using tech to pump up your bottom line.

We’re not here to admire your problems or wade through academic theories. We’re here to spot the patterns, apply battle-tested insights, and turn your tech from a money pit into a profit engine. Fast.

Feeling like a fraud in your own tech discussions?

Sweating bullets when investors ask about your tech stack?

We’ve got you. We translate tech-speak into CEO-speak. No more nodding along or feeling out of your depth.

Part of our job is to arm you with the knowledge to lead tech conversations confidently, make informed decisions, and impress even the most tech-savvy investors.

You don’t need to code to lead.

Let’s cut to the chase: most consultants are happy to bleed your budget dry with fancy PowerPoints and never-ending projects.

We’re not here to redecorate your office with impressive-looking charts.

We’re here to call out the emperor’s new clothes, tell you when you’re about to step in it, and actually roll up our sleeves to help you succeed. We might tell you things that are hard to hear, but isn’t that better than a sugar-coated path to failure?

If you’re not ready for our services, we’ll tell you. Our success is measured by your growth, not by how long we can string you along.